
that it can exist under less difficult conditions."

The letter was signed Eva Berg. On top of the letter was printed "Phi Pi Epsilon Sorority, Foundation for Full Personality Expression" i.e., an organization that gives its members the opportunity to express their personality. I was asked: “Are you willing to inform society about TVism in Sweden?"

I phoned to my friend Bruno Kaplan, who is chief physician at the Sodra Hospital in Stockholm and physician of the State Police especially on the subject of sexual deviations. He supported the idea and said he would be pleased to help me. Some days later he and I sat talking with Eva Berg and Susanna Sjo in the restaurant of "Dagens Nyheter." They were dressed as women, wore jewels and wigs. Two well-dressed ladies. Nobody could think they were men. Eva is in her forties, with her own concern, has a wife and four children. "She" is the founder of the organization. Susanna is in "her" sixties, has a wife and grown up children, is a manufacturer and the chairman of the organization. We decided that their real identity should be a secret also to me. The fear of being exposed dominates the life of the TV. This is understandable as it would brand him and his family socially, so strong is the attitude of society against TVism. Not all have the courage to initiate their wives into their secret. "Eva's," i.e. Bengt's wife knows it. "Susanna's," i.e. Gosta's wife, does not. They have been married for 30 years. Some time after this meeting I met with Bengt and his wife, Inga, in their home town, where he is a well-known person, president and secretary in many clubs and associations. Now he was dressed as a man. After four hour's conversation I knew a lot of their problem.


I think it is important at the start to do away with one of the most common misunderstandings. Most TVs are not homosexual and they do not dress in feminine clothes in order to get a sexual partner. Eva and Susanna are heterosexual. They are sexually directed towards the opposite sex, towards females. They asked me to distinguish among four different groups of male cross-dressers: 1) Heterosexual TVs, who are sexually interested only in females and often are living in a happy marriage, having children, as Eva and Susanne; 2) Transexuals who have "the psyche of a woman in the body of a male" and at any price will change to